
NIET-UK is affiliated by the following UK Ofqual and SQF regulated awarding organisations:

1. Awarding body: NCC education -

NIET-UK offers the following programmes from NCC education: Level -3, 4 & 5

Level-4&5 Advanced Diploma in Computer Science & Communication Engineering (CSCE)

Level-4&5 Advanced Diploma in Strategic Software Engineering (SSE)

Level-4&5 Advanced Diploma in Strategic Business Information Systems (SBIS)

**** Progression route:   (see page no. 4 and 5)

**** Level 3 International Foundation Diploma for Higher Education Studies (L3IFDHES)

Progression route for L3IFDHES:  Visit and then click “Academic Progression

After completing the Level-4&5, students will be joining the 3rd year at our partner or selected UK Universities or continuing at NIET-UK under the affiliation of our partner UK University. In both cases, certificated would be awarded by a UK University.


2. Awarding body: EduQual UK -

NIET-UK offers the following programmes from EduQual:

Higher Diploma in Nursing and Healthcare Management (EduQual Level 4)

Higher Diploma in Nursing and Healthcare Management (EduQual Level 5)

3. Awarding body: iCQ UK -

We are offering the following programmes from iCQ:

Health, Public Services and Care: Health and Social Care

Level 2 Diploma in Clinical Healthcare Support (RQF)

Level 3 Diploma in Clinical Healthcare Support (RQF)

Level 3 Diploma in Healthcare Support Services (RQF)

Information and Communication Technology: ICT for Users

Level 2 Diploma for IT Users (ITQ) (RQF)

Level 3 Diploma for IT Users (ITQ)

Business, Administration and Law: Administration

Level 2 Diploma in Business Administration (RQF)

Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration (RQF)

Business, Administration and Law: Business Management

Level 7 NVQ Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership (RQF)


NOTE:            Level-2 qualification is equivalent to SSC/O-level/GCSE

                        Level-3 qualification is equivalent to HSC/A-level/GEC

Level-4 qualification: first year at University

Level-5 qualification: 2nd year at University

Level-6 qualification: 3rd year at University (Final year in the UK system)

Level-7 qualification: Postgraduate course (MSc/MA/MBA/PgD/MPhil)

Level-8 qualification: PhD/DBA